Tag: All He Ever Needed

Hook, Line and Sinker

I’ve embarked on my song-a-month journey and am pleased to share my first installation from the month of January.  Hook, Line and Sinker was a fun write, but admittedly challenging for me with regards to some of the fingering on the guitar.  I chose an alternate tuning, which is always a cool way to explore different sounds.  For some reason, though it seemed to take me longer than it should have to cement the musical progression down in my head and hands.

It was almost like there was a disconnect between the two.  I think I might just be so used to playing older songs without even thinking that I actually had to exercise a part of my brain that had temporarily dimmed the lights.  Ha! I guess that’s part of the point of this project – to turn the lights back on, in full, active force.

I love the song, and the challenge it posed just might make me appreciate it even more.   It’s inspired by the romance between Mitch and Paige in Shannon Stacey’s All He Ever Needed.  She’s one of my favorite go-to contemporary romance writers.  I enjoy her down-to-earth characters, and have to admit, these two are my favorites up to this point.

I’ll be recording Hook, Line and Sinker in the future, but for now, the lyrics will have to tell the story…or you can come take a listen at my next live show…