Tag: Julie James

Falling Even Deeper

Josh Holloway "Sawyer"
“Sawyer,” aka Kyle, aka Josh Holloway

I know I’m a little late to the party in delivering my February song.  But hey, it’s my party, so I guess I can be a little behind schedule.

Really, I did finish the song in February, and in fact, have even written my March tune and am working on April’s.  It’s just that I geek out so much on the music writing that I run out of time for the writing writing.

So, better late than never, I give you the lyrics to Falling Even Deeper, inspired by Rylann and Kyle in Julie James‘ About That Night, which I l-o-v-e-d.  In fact, here’s my review on Goodreads.

It’s a rocker!  You can hear it live on stage at my next show…Sat., May 4th (2013) at SOhO in Santa Barbara.  6:00-7:30pm.  Go ahead, get all romantic and make it a date night.